Guidance for Scribers


Make sure that you have Python 2.6+ and Sphinx installed.

For example:

$ sudo pip install -U Sphinx

You will need to write the documentation in RestructuredText. The best way is to read the project documentation files, and use them as example to write your own documentation.

Install and run the doc locally

First, fork the repository in your own github account, then git clone your repository and copy it:

$ git clone CoinsManagerDoc
$ cd CoinsManagerDoc && git checkout gh-pages && cd ..
$ git clone
$ cd CoinsManager && git checkout develop && cd docs/

Then edit the documentation, and browse it locally:

(CoinsManager/docs/)$ make html
(CoinsManager/docs/)$ cd ../../CoinsManagerDoc/
(CoinsManagerDocs/)$ xdg-open index.html


If you do not have xdg-open, try with your browser (eg chromium index.html, or open your browser and access the file via its full path.

when you’re finished writing your rst documentation and commited it on the repo CoinsManager, do a pull request to upstream/CoinsManager (on github)

Publish documentation to the Online Documentation

If you are part of the Github contributors team, then you can also directly update the upstream gh-pages branch (it’s recommended to wait for the pull request to be merged first).

$ cd CoinsManagerDoc/
$ git commit -am "Rebuild html documentation"
$ git push